I would like to share my last Walking in the Shoes experience of the school year.聽 As you know, this year has been focused on spending time with students with unique circumstances.

This particular experience was with a loving, energetic young student named Jeighlen, a kindergartener at Birchwood Elementary鈥 and someone who happens to be homeless.

My experience also included spending time with Jamie, who is a single-mom and student at 老澳门六合彩开奖网 Technical College, Sarah Simpson, one of our district’s Homeless Support Coordinators, as well as some of the wonderful Birchwood staff who work with Jeighlen.

Student, Jeighlen

My day started out at 8 a.m. in Ms. Sadie Miller’s class. (Actually, I was supposed to arrive at 7:30 a.m., but I was late! Sorry again, Ms. Miller.)

I went outside to play tag with Jeighlen and other students before school began. Later, when we were at our desks at 8:30, I asked Jeighlen a question and he told me to be quiet, as the teacher was starting to share the plan for the day. Then, I started to take notes on my laptop, but I realized that wasn’t a great idea because Jeighlen couldn’t concentrate on Ms. Miller, and he kept trying to type, so I put that away and relied on pen and paper.

At 8:40, Jeighlen and I went into the motor room with Andrea James (Ms. Andy), and students got to shoot baskets while on a balancing board. When Jeighlen made a basket, Ms. Andy gave him a huge smile and a big hug. She really demonstrated our belief that all children should be loved!

We were back in Ms. Miller’s class at 9 a.m. for carpet time and Jeighlen taught me how to sit “criss-cross apple sauce.” We sang songs and Ms. Miller played guitar. Jeighlen gave me his sticker he earned for doing well in the motor room and said “Here, you earned this!” He then looked at my ID badge around my neck and asked what it said. I told him “Dr. Baker,” and he asked “You’re a doctor?”

At recess, we played more of his favorite: tag! We then had lunch and Jeighlen said “chocolate milk is the best!” Since I tend to agree with that sentiment, I didn鈥檛 quite have the heart to tell him that chocolate milk is going away next year (except for maybe special occasions). Quick tangent: having white milk or water as drinking options for our kids is much healthier. I know it will be missed (by me, too), but after we completed our food services audit with consultant Chef Ann, we have learned we can take many steps between now and 2019 (when we get our central kitchen built and running) to improve healthy and less-processed offerings for students, like serving breakfast in the classroom (more on that later) and limiting our beverages options to low/no sugar drinks. I鈥檓 sure this news will impact you like it did me: you鈥檙e a little bummed out, it鈥檒l take some getting used to, but you know it鈥檚 the right decision to make for our kids.

Ok. Back to my day.

After lunch, I met with his mom, Jamie, who is a strong, courageous woman who had a housing crisis right when the school year started. She started our conversation out by telling me that Birchwood was the best school ever and praised the staff for their amazing support of Jeighlen. Jamie told me how Birchwood staff has helped identify sensory issues and mental health support that her son needed and how it has really impacted and helped her son. 鈥淏irchwood has become my rock,鈥 she said. Jamie takes classes Monday through Thursday at BTC, so she brings her son to school, then goes to her classes, then picks him up.

Jeighlen and Jamie had a housing crisis when school began in August, and luckily, got connected with one of our Homeless Support Coordinators, Sarah Simpson, who has helped them immensely. Currently, Jamie and Jeighlen live in the county, but they found out that they have to leave their current place in a few weeks, and mom is worried about the upcoming transition and whether their move will mean transferring Jeighlen to a different school. That鈥檚 hard given their strong emotional ties to Birchwood. She tells me that the number of challenges she and Jeighlen face every day and week are substantial. She says food is so expensive, and she relayed that they lost power for several days during a power outage earlier this year and that it was devastating because of the amount of food they lost in their fridge and freezer. She told me Jeighlen loves fresh fruit, but it鈥檚 hard to afford it.

Earlier this year, she had to make a decision to either pay for their storage unit or car, and she had to pick the car because she needed transportation. That meant losing all of their belongings in the storage unit, which they are now trying to get back. She also continuously asks herself if she should stick with her education at BTC and if it鈥檚 worth the struggle or go back to a low-wage job (and possibly be stuck indefinitely).聽 Financial aid only pays for three quarters, but she attends school year round, which leaves her $2,000 short. Her books for this quarter were over $700, so for many classes, she鈥檚 going without and trying to Google content to learn what she can.

Jamie tells me that there are some bright spots: Jeighlen received a free bed, thanks to the district and the 老澳门六合彩开奖网 Foundation. She said this is the first time Jeighlen has ever had his own bed! The Opportunity Council has also been a great partner, but resources are limited due to great demand in our area.

I spent time with Sarah Simpson, our homeless coordinator, and she said 鈥渨hat Jamie needs is a boost,鈥 meaning enough money for a rental deposit and sometimes first and last months鈥 rent. Sarah pointed out that because we live in a college town, many college students have parents to help with down payments and/or to consign for rentals. Jamie doesn鈥檛 have that, and it can make for an uneven 鈥減laying field鈥 in securing a rental. She said this pushes people out to the county, which impacts transportation issues.

In the meantime, Jamie is on a section eight housing waiting list, along with 900 other people. Jamie has been on that list for two years.

I asked Jamie and Sarah what we could do better, as a district, to help families like hers. They both agreed that having staff who know where to send people and how to access resources helps. (This is one big reason why I do Walking in the Shoes!) Jamie said it took a lot of courage to come into the district office and ask for help. She got hooked up with our homeless coordinators, who she says have been an incredible resource for her and Jeighlen.

A few other reflections to share about my day include time and conversations I had with those who work at Birchwood. I was blown away by the care, love and respect our staff have for students, each other and families.

A quote from mom: 鈥淢s. Sadie Miller is so AWESOME. She has so much patience and is so loving to Jeighlen and all her students. I really feel safe knowing that Jeighlen is with her.鈥

Ms. Miller told me that there are ways we can help support homeless students, families and staff. One is by keeping homeless students in the same school so they have stability in their relationships. She also said having adult mentors for homeless students has helped, and she hopes we can do more of that in the future. Ms. Miller said offering Breakfast in the Classroom (which we started this spring at some of our title elementary schools, including Birchwood) is really important because it鈥檚 for all students, not just some, and that students no longer have to choose between before-school recess or eating. She also stressed that always providing a welcoming, safe environment for students and their families is crucial. Ms. Miller says she tries to honor where students are. For example, a student may not be getting a good night鈥檚 sleep if they are sleeping in their car, so if they need a rest during the day, that鈥檚 ok.

Principal Matt Whitten really models loving and caring for our students, too. One thing he said that really resonated with me was 鈥淵ou solve the problems you have control over.鈥 Matt knows we can鈥檛 fix every challenge, but we can make sure our kids are loved by showing compassion and ensuring that our staff understands the situations of our kids and families.

Matt says that many of our homeless families are embarrassed and/or don鈥檛 make it known that they need help; many are not making connections like Jamie, though he wishes they would. He said in the big picture, we need more affordable housing for families. He says right now, families are 鈥渃ouch-surfing,鈥 sleeping in motels, cars or going out to the county. He says full time counselors have been a great investment and wishes we had more access to mental health counseling for students.

Then, I鈥檓 not kidding, in the middle of our conversation, I look out the window: a horse is walking down the street. Matt says 鈥淵es, that鈥檚 Birchwood!鈥

Back to Matt.

He points to great steps we鈥檝e taken to help kids in need, like fifth grade strings for all students and increasing high-quality after-school offerings at Birchwood (though Matt wishes there were more!) like mountain biking, tennis club, choir and garden club.

In conclusion, it鈥檚 incredible what we (Birchwood and the district) mean to Jamie and Jeighlen. Birchwood provides a steady piece in their lives, and I felt very proud of our staff and homeless coordinators and for everyone who helps advocating for Jeighlen and others like him. Jamie and her son are amazing, and I so appreciate their willingness to talk and meet with me.

I鈥檓 still left with a big question, though鈥ow do we advocate for housing for our kids? I think it really will take the whole community to help our kids and their families.

Thanks again to all at Birchwood and to all our staff throughout the district and our community partners for the incredible work delivering upon The Promise.

And Jeighlen 鈥 we all look forward to watching you learn and grow, and with the support of this district and community, ensuring you have a wonderful future ahead of you.


Comments (8)

  • Who can someone contact to offer volunteer help re the homeless children situation?

    • Hi Bobbi,
      Thank you for your interest in helping our students who are homeless. I encourage you to call Sarah Simpson, one of our homeless coordinators, at 676-6470, or any of the following agencies who do so much to help our families in need: the Opportunity Council, Lydia Place or the Mission.
      Thanks again and good luck!

  • This was really a touching account of what must have been a heart-wrenching day! Thank you, Dr. Baker, for showing such care for all of our children in 老澳门六合彩开奖网!

    • Thanks for reading, Maryann, and thank you for your comment. There were parts of that day that were tough, yes. And it was touching to observe and experience all the love and support Jeighlen and Jamie receive from our staff, both at Birchwood and from our homeless coordinator. I鈥檓 so grateful for these 鈥淲alking in the Shoes鈥 experiences; I feel they have been really powerful and helpful in enlightening and educating not only me but our community. Thanks again for taking the time to comment!

  • Dr. Baker,
    I really want to thank you so much for addressing this huge epidemic that is a growing problem in Whatcom County. My hope for doing this story with you was that we can educate people on the severity of the problem, and how the lack of resources around this county are an issue.Telling a single mother of children that the only option we have for you is to have your family pitch a tent somewhere and live. That was when I realized that 老澳门六合彩开奖网 is in dire need of help with this issue that has to be addressed. I am forever grateful for the love and support from the Birchwood community and the 老澳门六合彩开奖网 School District have shown to me and Jeighlen, it has been amazing. Thank you so much for spending the day with Jeighlen,he had so much fun, and thank you for taking the time out to listen to my story. Thank you Jami Pitman

    • Thank you, Jami. I’m so appreciative of your willingness to share your and Jeighlen’s story. You are an amazing mom, person and student! I have heard from so many people (in person and via email and the blog) who were touched by your story and inspired to do something, such as volunteer and help our homeless population. Please stay in touch and tell Jeighlen hello!

  • Just another reason I am proud to be part of the 老澳门六合彩开奖网. Thanks for this compassionate look into a life with hardships most of us cannot even imagine. And thanks for loving our kids! <3

    • Hi Tanya, Thanks for your comment. I, too, am very proud to be a part of our district. I鈥檓 gratified by the way our students, families and staff demonstrate compassion, love and empathy for one another. I can鈥檛 do this work alone. Thank you for your nice comment!