Our Model

Our state-approved plan was developed in collaboration with a committee representing families, teachers, administrators, and community members from 老澳门六合彩开奖网 Public Schools, and is based on a tiered support model. As a district where inclusive practices are a key strategy, we believe that all students are provided with the interventions, supports, and accommodations they need to learn at high levels. With this vision, we provide a continuum of supports within the classroom, to support social emotional development alongside intellectual growth. For example, some students use a menu of learning activities to increase student choice and enrichment. Teachers may also set up independent study projects for students to extend and challenge their learning. In addition, students who demonstrate need may receive single subject acceleration and work above the grade level standards. Our mission matches the state MTSS model of layered support. Students with highly capable learning plans access universal, targeted and/or intensive and individualized learning experiences.

Highly Capable continuum of supports.

Formal services begin in grade 3. For students enrolled in grades K-2, our team recommends you share your child鈥檚 academic strengths with the classroom teacher for support.

Screening Process

Students who have been identified as highly capable go through a screening process. Screening happens yearly in grades 2 and 6. Our district builds a student portfolio including the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), narratives from staff and families, and multiple data points to determine qualification under the advisement of a multidisciplinary team. When identified, students have demonstrated an area(s) of strength in the verbal (language), quantitation (numeracy), or nonverbal (scientific/visual processing) domains.

Student Learning Plans

Students identified highly capable, as well as with all children, have a range of needs. We consider the uniqueness of each child and provide a variety of supports to nurture their areas of strength and/or strengthen their areas of struggle. To meet individual needs and maximize growth holistically, teachers develop student learning plans to clarify next steps for students and families. These goals reflect academic growth areas, integrated with social-emotional considerations as appropriate. Student learning plans are developed in the fall and teachers differentiate for students throughout the year.

Continuum of Services

Teachers give students access to services using the following strategies to meet student needs:

Differentiation Adapt instruction, pacing, content, or product to student readiness, interests, or strengths
Clustering Group highly capable students together in a classroom for collaboration
Learning Menu Student choice activities to enrich learning, can cross subject areas
Flexible Grouping Students are not necessarily highly capable in all areas.聽 Students can move in and out of support groups based on need.聽 Students may join one group to meet the standard as well as one to exceed the standard.
Compacting Curriculum is condensed for students using pre and post testing to demonstrate mastery of concepts
Independent Study Students research an area of interest and design a project to demonstrate their learning.聽 The teacher provides feedback.聽 Students preset their learning to others using a variety of modalities.
Extension Extend the current curriculum.聽 Alternative curriculums, higher order thinking prompts, or advancing/layering standards promote academic rigor.



Services Timeline

Plans are made at the beginning of each year in elementary and middle school.聽Educators spend the first few months getting to know their students then develop a plan with family and student input.聽This plan is uploaded for families in January and available in Skyward.聽In high school, counselors consider a student’s academic strengths as they develop a high school and beyond plan.

Student Progress

Each school/teacher has a unique plan for communicating with families.聽During those scheduled home-school connections, you can ask your student鈥檚 teacher about their progress and participation regarding their student learning plan.聽At the end of the year, a summative statement regarding student progress will be generated by teachers and uploaded into Skyward for family access.


Jennifer Lawrence
Director of Teaching and Learning, Literacy

Keith Schacht
Director of Teaching and Learning, Student Services

Rayna Brandon

HCL Liaison