Your feedback requested! 2023-24 family feedback form open until March 4

A Message from the Department of Teaching and Learning鈥


Every year,鈥习拿帕喜士蓖 Public鈥疭chools鈥痑sks for feedback from鈥痑ll our families, our staff and our students in鈥痝rades 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11.鈥疧ur district鈥檚 strategic plan,鈥疶he 老澳门六合彩开奖网 Promise, guides our work and our collective commitment to our children. We believe that all children should be loved and that every child can learn at high levels.鈥疻e need your feedback鈥痑bout鈥痺hat we are doing well and what we can continue to improve.

If you have more than one child enrolled鈥痠n one school,鈥痽ou may鈥痑nswer the questions鈥痬ultiple times or just once, depending on what you think will best鈥痳epresent鈥痽our family鈥檚 experience for your children. If you have children in different schools, please鈥痑nswer once鈥痜or each school.

Please鈥痶ake 5-10 minutes to respond 鈥痓y鈥5 p.m., March 4.

All鈥痳esponses are anonymous, and鈥痭one of鈥痽our responses are linked to you or your child.

If you need help filling out the feedback form,鈥痯lease contact your school office.鈥疻e hope to hear from鈥痑ll鈥痮ur families. Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your thoughts. If you have any questions, please contact